Tonight is the night !
Everyone will feel alright !
Groovez'll be tight !
First gig after a 3 years break. Pretty stoked about it !!
Don't know the location yet, we've never been there but we're pretty sure stuff will work out just fine. We have no supercalifragilisticexpialidocious rockstar demands, though I'd like to try just once to have something like "gummybears from 12 packs of golden Haribos sprinkled all over the hotel beds by 21 year-old green-eyed virgin supermodels" on our request list. That'll be the day ;)
I'll prolly be tweeting all the way during the roadtrip - before/after gig, so check my "less than 140 characters" twitmeister doodledramaticz here .
If anyone's in the area and wants to hang out, just come up to us, repeat these words :
"My conundrum lies within the lines of sidetracked designs of human nature, therefor I humbly admit to being a mere reflection of internal dilemmas. Yagayo ! " and you'll get a free beer and a hug from us. You must be over 18 to apply, of course.
See ya on the flippidy-floppidy,
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