We didn't win anything but we sure had a good time on stage!!
Hellz yeah \m/
One of our best sounding gigs ever ! Good drum sound, guitar with a nice edge, growling bass and crystal clear vocals, what more could you ask for? And on top of everything there was a huge eye behind us ! Yay !
Congratulations to the winners, they definitely deserved first place, hope to share the stage with them again some time in the future. Awesome live show, hats off. Definitely a pleasant surprise :)
Check some photos of the event HERE
EXTRA SPECIAL SUPER DUPER THANKS to the B BOYZ, Bogdi and Boby, our gracious hosts, roadies, stage techies, cameramen and recording assistants !!!!

see y'all laters,
teh B-Boyz iz proud to be part of zee iCoRy setup \m/ SAUSAGE !!!