So we went to Cluj, ate stuff on the way, got caught up in a bad ass rainstorm, farted a lot, arrived, parked underneath a humming light-pole, searched for Remember Pub, started calling people on the phone for directions since no one on the street knew, finally found it, met the Relative boys, set up, soundchecked, then talked o lot of crap during an interview for CZB, then watched Lights Out and Rock Norris kickin' it, played some old tunes, sweat a lot, played some new tunes, enjoyed the crowd cheering, even though we hadn't played in CJ for 5 years, got off stage, watched Relative kick ass, then embarked on the journey home. All in all, one awesome night !
Pictures courtesy of, see more pics from the gig HERE
Here's a new tune called "your enemy" played for the first time ever at this gig.
And Relative tearing it up, filmed by yours truly, utilizing the ancient secret high-cam technique, passed down from generation to generation in my ninja ancestry.
THIS FRIDAY, the 18th of June, we'll be playing at the album launch of our CJ friends, RELATIVE, @Remember Pub, 21:00. The dudes are definitely worth checking out. They've just released their debut album and they've decided to give it away for FREEEE !!! You can download it from HERE If you see them in your town, go to their shows, buy their T-shirts and stuff, cuz they be worth it ;)
We'll be playing a couple of new songs, mind you. SONGS THAT PEOPLE HAVE NEVER HEARD BEFORE !!!!! Lush in their uniqueness, angelic in their brutality ! Just the way we like it. Here's one of the tunes, basscam style. It's still in the works but we're on the right track \m/
We have moved to a new rehearsal place. One of countless early reverberations, but all is not lost, it is ours and we shall soundproof it somehow. Donations of large amounts of purple and lime-green coloured cloth are very much welcome. Inherent patchouli odour is a plus.
Yes, we are working on the album. Yes, it is going well. Yes, it will take some time. Yes, we sort of have an album title and concept. Yes, we'll make it as interesting as possible.
any other questions?
We'll keep ya updated.
see ya laters ! d
P.S. The world has lost one of its greatest rock voices.